Building the Solution
The initial idea for the TyBlok was conceived by Steven Michael in the early 2000s when a proposed project involved sending over a million discarded tires to a landfill. Instead of doing that Steven came up with a better solution.
The solution involved shredding up the tires and using them inside hollow plastic blocks in order to build retaining walls, sheds, and modular structures. Keeping them out of the landfills entirely.
From 2010 to 2012 Steve worked with Rochester Institute of Technology student Joshua James and continued the development of the TyBlok by creating official mechanical drawings, physical prototypes, and getting feedback from professional engineers.
Now, with a multitude of products impacting our environment and the realization that many different forms of waste can be encapsulated inside of TyBloks, we have an opportunity to reduce our global footprint and build towards a better world.